Monday, November 3, 2008

Rebellious Propaganda (updated)

"Speak & Rebel" is a parody of a childhood learning toy that I had called "Speak & Spell". "Raise Your Fist and Resist" are Rage Against the Machine Lyrics". Their music is fueled with strong political messages that I've always identified with. The graphic of the person holding a fist in the air is a modified version of their album cover,"The Battle of Los Angeles". I liked the idea of combining childhood paraphenalia with strong ideas of rebellion as the youth are primarily responsible for our future.

This piece uses an old magazine cover which depicts the "Pyramid of the Capitalist Scheme". My goal was to point out that many of us are blind to the controls of capitalism, politics, and religion. It seems as though many of us forget the roots of our society even though they govern our everyday actions as a nation.

For this piece I dug out my old Legos to portray an idea of rebellion and non-conformity. The title for this is, "One Day As A Lego Lion". Once again, the idea derives from Rage Against the Machine frontman, Zach De La Rocha. He started a side project titled, "One Day As A Lion" which comes from and 1970's George Rodriguez photo with a caption, "It's better to live one day as a lion than a thousand years as a lamb."

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