Monday, October 27, 2008


This is the work of Banksy. If you do not know who he is i would suggest looking at his website. He is a british street artist, but he also does political photoshop work. I thought this might help some out with the current project for ideas.

Lorem Ipsum

A cool little link. History about Lorem Ipsum and a neat generator. Useful for anyone wanting to break into design and layout a little bit more.

Resonance Fine Art

"My digital abstract art is inspired by a world we cannot directly see; the quantum realm of electrons, atoms, and molecules. The strange, often chaotic quantum domain yields forms, which I use as a medium, creating images which convey the mystery of quantum physics."

A 'transport' found in Classical Electron Flow.
pretty, pretty, pretty cool stuff.

Lichtenstein and Warhol - esque

Scarlett as Marilyn..

POP! click on the title.

Contemporary Art

This website had a lot of unique pictures, being digitally formed, by many artists that I thought you should check out.