Friday, September 26, 2008

Fractals by Cory Ench

I've always been mesmorized by fractals. Although I don't fully understand them, fractals actaully have to do with geometry and numbers.

This artist creates some of the best fractals I've ever seen.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

This is looking good!

The blog is looking great you guys! All of you work is superb and is settling in nicely in its new home on the web.
Don't forget to post your flags (for those of you who haven't yet) and remember to add your bi-weekly digital media related post.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Stitch In Time

This image began as a quick pencil sketch and was then scanned in and modified, but it still remains fairly true to its original form. The message I hoped to achieve is that though there are many problems facing the global community it is not impossible to resolve them. The result may not be perfect, there will always be scars of conflicts past, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't try.

humanity unites brilliance

While conjuring up an idea for my flag i stumbled upon many ideas that led me away from actually creating a symbolic flag but rather a Photo shopped piece of art. I felt that the only thing that i am garenteed to see every day is the sun, weather its masked behind some gray clouds or its shining ever so brightly through my land rovers windows. So i decided to depict an image of the relationship between the earth and the sun. I used very bright colors that are seen in every flag arround the world to symbolize bolth the intesity of the sun and unity. hope you enjoy, and if not then well that sucks.
~~kyle fisher~~

Ladder of Life

We all wanna be somewhere, we all wanna believe in something. When trying to think of a universal idea this is what came to mind. Although each individual seeks something different in life, we all choose a path of some sort, never knowing where it may take us in the end. the possibilities are endless.


I wanted to create a flag that symbolized unity and harmony. I feel like those are the some of the best qualities for humanity to rally under. I liked the imagery of the balanced river stones and wanted to incorporate them with natural beauty that I feel most humans can relate to.

How to add textures into a drawing using photoshop

If concept cars interest you then you may also want to check out this website

A symbol of life

My goal for completing the assignment was to create a flag in which I feel represents the world as a whole connected nation. I used a bee and a flower as a symbol of fertility and bringing the life together. I chose these two objects to initially represent the world coming together in peace and harmony. I then included the world and people of all ethnicity holding hands to interpret the connection.

Hand-Eye Coordination

In my flag worshiping experience, I have always found that color and shape are of utmost importance when representing a group of people or a nation, or in this case the world. Here are some ideas of the color symbolism I used on my flag...

Red: love, confidence, passion
Yellow: energy, wisdom, happiness
Black: death, stability, night
White: purity, hope, light
Earth: green life and blue peace
As represented with the human hand, love is the grip that unites everyone and is essential (and central) to this world.
The "eye" sees both sides of every opposition: day and night, truth and evil, life and death.

A Touch of Magic: Photo Retouching Secrets Revealed

"The secret is a lot of duplicate and adjustment layers,
and A Lot of time."

SaylaMarz is an artist on flicker who is a photoshop pro!
She has been kind enough to post her photo retouching secrets.
We will be going over this in class.

Check out my delicious bookmarks (link to right) for more retouching tutorials.
We will go over some of them in class; the others are up to you to explore.

Written on the Wind | The Rubin Museum Flag Project at VSC

Written on the Wind: The Flag Project
September 19, 2008 – October 16, 2008
Opening September 19, 2008, 7pm
The Vermont Studio Center, Red Mill Gallery
Johnson, VT

The Vermont Studio Center (VSC) and the Rubin Museum of Art (RMA) of New York are pleased to present, Written on the Wind: The Flag Project, an exhibition of contemporary art and design that links the traditional and the contemporary, community and museum, artist and audience (on view from September 19, 2008 through October 16, 2008 at VSC’s Red Mill Gallery).

More than 100 contemporary artists have designed flags for this exhibit. Although we can't visit the Studio Center during class time, I would strongly encourage you to check this exhibit out.

Extra credit for a typed review of the show.

Monday, September 22, 2008


My mission for this piece was to create a flag that is relevant to the entire world. A pretty lofty task. I settled on a theme intending to demonstrate the innate connections between seemingly opposing powers. This piece relies on simplicity as opposed to trying to make it photo realistic. Details are a breeding ground for arguments and resentment, but when issues are broken down to their simplest form we begin to find common ground. We as a species all have the same goals. I chose three symbols that are universal to humans all over the world: The Sun, The Roots and The Tree.

Electrifying Enegry Beams TUTORIAL

Pretty amazing effect and its actually not that difficult...
Check it out.

Burn: it all goes up in flames eventually

We all get burnt sometimes, but we learn to wipe the ashes into our pant legs and move on. We find our own vices and coping methods in order to live peacefully.

Life in a black box

I see my world through my camera, but my camera sees my world through me.